Get the Best Pricing and the Best Seating
Become a season ticket subscriber. Suppor the FSO and enjoy the benefits of membership!
If you need assistance renewing your subscription, please call our office at (907) 474-5733.

Season Tickets
A season subscription is the most cost effective way to attend all of the concerts for the FSO season (not including the Holiday Concert). Subscriptions include all concerts for the season with the exception of the Holiday concert. Choose from our Premium Seating our Regular Seating. If you need assistance renewing your subscription, please call our office at (907) 474-5733.
Season Ticket FAQ's
A subscription is a package of concerts you purchase in advance that guarantees you a specific seat for each concert and can be renewed every season.
For better seats at a lower price, scheduling freedom and much more! Best Possible Seats Seated before the general public, subscribers get the best possible seats.
Return your tickets to the Symphony Office prior to the event you cannot attend and receive a tax receipt for the value of the unused tickets. We must have the tickets prior to the event. You can also donate your tickets back to the FSO for possible re-sale, or transfer your tickets to a friend. Call us for more info at 474.5733.
Yes! Contributions keep the Orchestra alive. Although our concerts are very well attended, ticket sales cover less than half of our costs. In addition to ensuring the high level of performing excellence for which the FSO is known, your contribution also enhances the benefits of being a subscriber! Depending on the amount of your gift, you may enjoy various benefits of supporting the Fairbanks Symphony based on your donation amount. Please include a tax-deductible gift with your subscription today! Call our offices at 907.474.5733.
We accept the following major credit cards: MasterCard, Diners Club, Visa, and Discover.
Multiple credit cards are accepted via mail, fax, and phone.
How to Buy
You have the options of ordering by mail, phone, or in person at the Symphony office at the C.W. Davis Concert Hall. Call us Monday – Friday between the hours of 10AM and 5PM and we’ll help you get your seats reserved! 474.5733
Tickets will be mailed in early September. Season ticket orders received within 10 days of the first concert will be held in will call for pickup on the day of the concert.
Seating & Pricing
Yes. See the C.W. Davis Concert Hall page for the Seating Chart page.
Yes, you may make special seating requests when you buy subscriptions. Simply mention your needs when calling to purchase your subscription.
Location & Event Info
Unless otherwise noted, all concerts take place at C.W. Davis Concert Hall on the UAF Main Campus. Davis Concert Hall is located at 312 Tanana Drive, Fairbanks, 99775.
Occasionally there are unavoidable changes to the originally-announced concert date, guest artist or program, and we strive to notify you via email/newsletter/social media when this happens. Your tickets for such concerts are valid regardless of the change and are not refundable.