An annual fund raising gala

Rhapsody In Red & White

Enjoy an evening full of great food, exquisite wines, fantastic music, and your closest friends while supporting the arts in the community. 50/50 tickets, silent auction and extra opportunitied to win fabulous prizes.


First Prize
30 bottles of wine and one ticket for next years event.

Second Prize
15 bottles of wine and one ticket for next years event.

Third Prize
10 bottle of wine and one ticket for next years event.

Instant Cellar Raffle

In honor of J. Michael Carroll

$100 each.

Only 100 sold.

Need not be present to win.

Cellar 1

"Go Big or Go Home"
Valued @ $2000

Cellar 2

"A Few of My Favorite Things"
Valued @ $1000

Cellar 3

"A Taste of France"
Valued @ $500

Cellar 4

"A Taste of Italy"
Valued at $500

Fourth place winner will be chosen first. If present, the winner can select to pass and their raffle ticket goes back in the pot. If not present, they get that prize.

Thank You Sponsors

Interested in supporting the FSO? Become a sponsor!


Concerto Winners Concert

February 18th at 4PM.